Modern C++ Features – decltype and std::declval
decltype and std::declval are two features that go hand in hand and are most useful in template metaprogramming and in conjunction with the use of type deduction via auto, e.g. […]
decltype and std::declval are two features that go hand in hand and are most useful in template metaprogramming and in conjunction with the use of type deduction via auto, e.g. […]
It’s time for the next refactoring session, and I happen to have been lazy on my current project. So, today I’ll start to write about some changes I did in […]
Today’s post is the first guest post on this blog. Jonathan Boccara tells us about some exciting features that will hit the standard library after C++17: Ranges. Jonathan develops and teaches […]
Today’s post will be a meta post about the blog, its past and its future.