Arne Mertz

Every now and then we have to change something in our build procedure, and more often than not those changes are a real pain. Build scripts are the step children of many software projects. Someone wrote them, nobody cares much about them, they just work and build the project. Until they don’t.

Having covered the basics of `auto` and rvalue references, there is a third big new C++ feature definitely worth knowing about: creating function objects on the fly with lambda expressions.

One of the more recent posts in my employer’s company blog is titled ‘What’s wrong with: “I don’t write any tests since I am not a tester”?’ – which made me think about the relation of developers to testing, and about the self-image of any developer who would say that sentence in earnest.

The last weeks I have been writing a lot about move semantics, move operations, rvalue references and forwarding references. While it might take a bit of getting used to all this, there’s good news.

Combining rvalue references with templated function parameters or `auto` behaves quite differently than “normal” rvalue references. Together with the utility function template `std::forward` they allow something called “perfect forwarding” and are therefore also called forwarding references.

Managing the lifetime of dynamically allocated memory and the objects residing in it is one of the challenges that can be hard to do right. It is usually handled by assigning […]

Modern C++ Features - Move Constructor and Move Assignment

In my last post I gave a little introduction to move semantics and a very brief description of rvalue references. This time I will cover two special functions that are based on those language features and are key to integrating them into each and every C++ program: The move constructor and move assignment operator.

One of the biggest changes in C++11 were the introduction of rvalue references to allow the implementation of move semantics. I will give an overview of the basic idea of move semantics, its related features and how to use them.