Hello CMake!
Since I have mentioned CMake in a handful of past blog posts, it is time to give a short introduction for those that don’t know it yet.
Since I have mentioned CMake in a handful of past blog posts, it is time to give a short introduction for those that don’t know it yet.
Having written about std::variant and std::visit last week, it’s time to string together some modern C++ features to build a naive basic implementation of overload, a proposed C++ feature.
std::variant is a library addition in C++17 for sum types, and std::visit is one of the ways to process the values in a std::variant.
I have written about the code style of having “trailing return types everywhere” in the past. My advice back then was to use them only when necessary. I might have […]
Two weeks ago, I attended the ACCU Conference in Bristol again, and again it was a blast. ACCUConf is by far the most interesting and enjoyable conference I have attended […]
We often use standard containers as members of our classes. In a lot of cases, the semantics we actually need is not equivalent to the semantics the containers provide.
Contrary to Sunday’s orchestrated April Fool’s posts, raw pointers are not going anywhere. However, there are some things in those posts that are based on reality. I’ll go into a […]
There’s some great news coming from the C++ standards committee: Raw pointers are gone – or rather will be in C++20.
I have had a lot of questions and discussions lately about the necessity for a code of conduct at conferences. I boycott any conference that does not have one or […]
In my last post, I wrote about forward declarations for normal classes. Today, I give you some information about forward-declaring templates and enums.