March 2017

Hi everyone.
I find myself currently unable to keep up with the pace I practiced for the last two years. Work, side projects, and other stuff just got in the way. Therefore, I will reduce the frequency of blog posts for the time being, but hopefully not for too long.

The good news is: This means there is more space for guest posts. So if you’d like to help out and fill the gaps, don’t hesitate do contact me!

— Arne 7

Prefixes are a rather controversial topic. Taking everything into account, I think we should not use prefixed names. Here’s why.

Last year, I have written about constexpr and compile time constants in general. Last week, the Draft International Standard for C++17 has been sent to its ballot. Time to provide […]

This week I exchange guest posts with Jonathan Müller about accessing tuple elements. Jonathan is a CS student passionate about C++. He’s working on various C++ projects like memory, an […]