Docker4c: portable C++ development environment
Installing everything we need to develop C++ applications can be a lengthy, even painful process. Docker makes it possible to build a development environment once and deploy it everywhere. The […]
Installing everything we need to develop C++ applications can be a lengthy, even painful process. Docker makes it possible to build a development environment once and deploy it everywhere. The […]
After several months, even years of not writing a post, I am back and motivated to blog again – and more. My history of blogging When I started blogging in […]
Recently, I have given a workshop about language features introduced in C++14 and C++17. Since a major part of those features includes constexpr things, I gave my trainees the task […]
You’ve probably heard about the rule to prefer standard algorithms over raw for loops. The major reason is that those algorithms say what is happening in the name and encapsulate […]
From February 3rd through February 6th I have been in Folkestone, UK, to visit the first C++ On Sea conference.
The pImpl idiom is a useful idiom in C++ to reduce compile-time dependencies. Here is a quick overview of what to keep in mind when we implement and use it.
Keep simple data structures simple! There’s no need for artificial pseudo-encapsulation when all you have is a bunch of data.
Sometimes we need unformatted data, simple byte sequences. At first glance, std::string might be a fitting data structure for that, but it is not.
If you follow some C++ social media accounts you will now and then encounter C++ quizzes and trick questions. Do we need to know the answers to be good C++ […]
Now and then we have the need to call functionality that was written in C from our C++ programs. For that, we need to use and understand extern “C”.